Strain Family

Strain Geneology

I am Bobby Strain and I compiled this family history recently. Most sources are from the web. And from Dr. James A. Strain and Hal Strain. James has lots of information and I have provided a link to his site.

The Familes menu item is a list of individuals. Each file in the list contains a bit of biographical info about the family of the individual. For example, the Thomas Allen link is a compilation of my great grandfather's life events. He lived a long and healthy life, spanning two centuries.

The Strain link is to a tree on Geni. You will have to click appropriate items to display the tree. If you use Apple products, you may have to install Puffin to view the tree.

The Bone link is to a tree by Dennis Norwood. Lula Bone is my grandmother, Thomas Albert Strain's wife, and Dewey's sister.

The Records links are pages on this site that connect to individual and family information for Strains. Most of the links are to websites, but a few connect to documents on this site. You may have to register on some sites (free) to get access.

You can contact me at